The difference is delightful at the Villages of Glancaster.
A condominium community comprised of beautiful bungalows, most fully detached,
where every cul-de-sac street feels like its own charming Each bungalow home is set on an angle within a private cul-de-sac creating a totally different look...a totally different atmosphere...with a wide range of advantages that make living here more pleasurable than any other community around. The milestones in your life have always
been defined by where you live. Take the next step and discover the carefree,
casual lifestyle you've been looking forward to for all these years, discover
the Villages of Glancaster. A New Angle on Retirement Living
We did our homework, studied the market, talked to countless people like yourself, then hired the country's finest architects, designers and planners to help us become more innovative...more committed to producing a lifestyle and living environment that recognizes your needs and caters to them. The People Who Live It LOVE IT...
G. Walker Real Estate Inc. After serving with my father's brokerage in the 1970's, I opened my own firm in 1981 (I know, I know, I look too young and innocent). Don Innes had been a well known broker since the 1950's with offices in Hamilton, Ancaster and Burlington. Upon his retirement, I jumped at the chance to take over his operation in 1984. So, although the firm has been mine all along, it bore his name all this time.
Joan and I are passionate about the real estate business and always strive to provide a high level of service long after the actual sale. We have a large network of good people in related businesses: housecleaners, movers, interior decorators, flooring, painting, insurance - and some great restaurants! Call on us for names if you need them.